Showcase Equipment LLCShowcase Equipment LLCShowcase Equipment LLCShowcase Equipment LLCShowcase Equipment LLC

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What We Provide

If you are looking for a professional company to help you with your equipment needs, whether it be one piece or an entire operation, we hope you will contact Showcase Equipment.


With a long list of instock inventory, plus access to ready to sell operations – we’ll quickly get you the right equipment!


Equipment Showcase is a catalog looked forward to monthly by thousands of equipment buyers, especially in the sawmill industry.

Shipping & Logistics

As a licensed and insured broker, Showcase Shipping handles all the logistics for anyone who needs freight shipped.

Complete Operations

Showcase Equipment has decades of experience in the sawmill industry and can help with your new layout.

Sell Your Equipment

For one low base cost, your piece is exposed to thousands of buyers via our monthly magazine as well as our website and social media presence.


Whether it be one piece or an entire operation - Showcase Equipment can help! Contact us today.

Showcase Equipment has been providing excellent service and customer support with decades of experience in the sawmill and forestry industry. Whether it be just a single piece of equipment or dispersal of an entire operation, let us help you through the process.  

Showcase Equipment works for you and your best interest when liquidating your sawmill, logging or pallet equipment. We know there is as much to consider when selling your equipment as it was to buying it.